Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do if a student discloses to me a disability?

Please refer all students disclosing a disability to the ACCESS Office or Access Coordinator.

How do I know if students are approved for accommodations?

Students approved for accommodations will request faculty forms each semester and present these in a meeting to discuss their needs.

Do I have to provide accommodations retroactively if the student presents a faculty form later in the semester?

It is at the discretion of the instructor to decide but is not required by the ACCESS Office.

What should I do if I have a concern with an accommodation on the faculty form?

Contact the Access Coordinator or Director of Access.

When is an accommodation is not appropriate?

When it fundamentally alters the course or evaluation standards.  This is determined through discussions with the Director of the ACCESS Office, faculty member and other administrators as needed.

Does the ACCESS Office offer testing accommodations?

The ACCESS Office does provide students with accommodations testing during office hours 8:30am to 5pm.  Students must complete a testing reservation form and submit it to the office 7 days prior to the test.