
Welcome Faculty

Thank you for all your hard work.  If the Access Office staff can be of assistance please contact us.

ONLINE SERVICES through Accommodate

Faculty -Login to Accommodate

Chrome is the browser to use

  1. Faculty forms will be sent electronically and signed by faculty in Accommodate
  2. Students are still required to have  a meeting with faculty to discuss the implementation of accommodations.  (Attendance Agreements are Paper Forms still)
  3. Accommodations impacting your course complete the Faculty Questionnaire
  4. Test Reservations for the Access Office – will be requested by students online and faculty will receive a notice
  5. Tests Administered by Access – will be uploaded in Accommodate
    • Canvas tests please complete the exam form in accommodate with all directions.

Access and Accommodation Office

Syllabus Statement (revised 7/30/24)

All Faculty must Include a “Disability Statement” on their syllabi.

Syllabus Statement:

“Students with a history or newly documented disability visible or invisible or who had an IEP or 504 Plan due to ADHD/ADD, visual or hearing impairments, Chronic Health Condition (ex. Diabetes, seizures, cancer other medical), mobility impairment, learning disability or a mental health concern (depression, anxiety, PTSD etc) should contact the Access and Accommodation Office (AAO) (https://access.mercer.edu) to complete the verification process to become approved for necessary accommodations and services.

To receive accommodations, each fall, spring and summer semesters, students will submit a Semester Request for faculty notification forms through the AAO online system Accommodate. Students are required to meet with each professor (during office hours or by appointment) in a timely manner to discuss implementation of accommodations. Students receiving accommodation for the administration of exams will receive instructions from the course faculty as to the time and location for their exam if different than class time.

Note:  Disability accommodation or status are confidential and are not reflected on academic transcripts. Students with a history of a disability, perceived as having a disability or with a current disability who do not wish to use academic accommodations are also strongly encouraged to complete the verification process with the Access Office. Students must request accommodation in a timely manner to receive accommodations in a timely manner. Please know accommodations are not retroactive. “

Contact information: https://access.mercer.edu for information, email access@mercer.edu main office 478-301-2810 and Atlanta 678-547-6823