
The information below will provide the appropriate coordinator and their contact information.
All Campuses
Arber Winn
(478) 301-2127 fax
Director and ADA/504 Coordinator
Access and Accommodation
Office – Connell Student Center 209 – Macon Campus
(478) 301-2778
Office – Sheffield Student Center 209 – Atlanta Campus
(678) 547-6478 office
Andreena Patton
Access Coordinator
Office – Connell Student Center 209 – Macon Campus
(478) 301-2529
Medical School
Candi Nobles-James, M.D.
Associate Dean of Student Affairs, Macon Campus
Associate Professor of Internal Medicine
Office is located in the Medical School on the Macon Campus
Law School
Jeanie Zipperer
Assistant Dean of Students
Office is located in the Law School on the Macon Campus
(478) 301-2586
Campus Locations
Mercer University provides a wide variety of programs and opportunities at our different locations including: Macon, Atlanta (Henry County, Douglas County), Savannah and Columbus. At each of the campuses we have a coordinator of services. Please connect with the appropriate coordinator or contact the Director of Access at the Macon campus Katie Johnson (478) 301-2778 which can help to identify the appropriate coordinator.