Grievance Procedure
The Americans with Disabilities Act Amendment Act of 2008 (ADAAA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (504) require that all campus programs, services and activities be non-discriminatory and accessible to persons with disabilities.
If a student feels that he or she has been discriminated against or denied access because of a disability, the student should immediately contact the Access Coordinator listed on their syllabus or in their student handbook to discuss the situation and request a written response to the request or complaint from the Access Coordinator.
If the complaint cannot be resolved or remediated within a reasonable amount of time, or a visitor to campus has experienced a barrier to access or disability discrimination on campus, the person should present a Formal Written Grievance to the ADA/504 Coordinator at
The formal grievance should include the date and specifics of the disability related accommodation or access that was denied or the date and specifics of the act or event of disability discrimination in writing to the ADA/504 Coordinator.
Students who allege discrimination or harassment as a result of requesting accommodations for pregnancy, childbirth, lactation, or any medical condition related to pregnancy or childbirth may file a complaint with the Title IX Coordinator. The contact information for the Title IX Coordinator is located at
If the grievance has not been resolved through the formal grievance process, an appeal may be made to the Vice President of Student Affairs through the University’s Non-Academic Grievance Policies as outlined in the Mercer Student Handbook before applicable deadlines.
If the formal grievance concerns the ADA/504 Coordinator/Director of Access and Accommodations, the person should direct a formal written grievance to the Equal Opportunity Coordinator/Associate VP of Human Resources at (478) 301-2786.
If the person feels that the resolution offered through the grievance procedure outlined above continues to deny him or her equal access, a complaint may be filed subsequently or concurrently with the Department of Education Office of Civil Rights’ Disability Compliance Division or the Department of Justice’s ADA Compliance Office according to their guidelines.
Retaliation of any type against any student or person with a disability who files an ADA/504 grievance or complaint against the University is strictly forbidden.